What I Hate About Holiday

What I Hate About Holiday           

            Ah Yes the good old month "December" it's holiday season, I wish that last holiday was better, but it just gets worst every time.

           If you guys didn't know, in December I had my last semester test and it was life threateng experience! But luckly after I finish the test, I had a really decent score (even though some of them is pretty bad). But overall, it was a good score.

              Sometimes when I think about holiday is just one thing across my mind. No more homework, no more studying, no more waking up 5 in the morning, but overall those experience was just fake reality. I need to wake up every 5 in the morning just to do the house work, and that's just one example of this fake reality.

               Even though holiday sucks but I still enjoyed it because I didn't get yelled by my parents or anyone, but still... House work. So ya. mOviNg oN!
               My mother asked me about like "where do you want to go for holiday?" and my response to that is "I don't and I hate it" after that my mother convince me to go on holiday to Tasikmalaya, and I wish we were going to pangandaran because it's been along time since I saw the see but she said "Where just gonna stay in Tasik and go to the nearest park" I was pretty sad but I agreed wih here option there. So we went to Tasikmalaya with a car which was a bad idea because of the road curvy shape and the mountains in between them and that's why allot of people got sick because of the trip.

               I didn't remember after I got there but there is one thing that I still remember one thing! When we were on the dining table, my mom, my sister, my aunty, my uncle, and for some reason my cousin joins in as we sat on the dinning table. There was allot of food on the dinning table, I remember that there was beef rendang, perkedel (basicly is just fried mash potato stuff with veggies), chickens liver, egg curry, etc.
               But there is one thing that I hate till this day and every I every time I went to Tasik is. Fried Chicken. Yes, I got traumatized every time I eat a slice of fried chicken because last time, didn't went as expected. When I saw the fried chicken on the dinning table I was so hungry, my mouth was basicly watering with saliva, because it was my favourite shape of fried chicken, the drum stick. As I was looking at the chicken I ask my surounding "Is there anyone want a piece of chicken?" and they say "no" so I automatically grab the chicken and rip it open with my mouth. As I was chewing I notice one thing that feels "Fishy."

                As I looked up to the meat of the chicken I noticed one thing, there is a white thing moving around it. Can you guest what it is? OF COURSE IT WAS A MAGGOTS AND IT IS DISGUSTING! After I noticed all the maggots I puked all of the chicken that I stuff inside my mouth and throw the chicken on top of the plate I scream "F*CK" it was so loud that everyone saw me as I was covering my mouth and skin turned white pale.

                 And after that I lost allot of sense of taste but every thing was going back to normal.

- Thanks for Reading -



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